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What are Places?

Places are points of interests that are suggested by the Detecht community of bikers. The suggestions are then reviewed and later added on the map as a visible marker if they are helpful or of interest to bikers. These Place markers on the map can then be used as inspiration for where to ride and be used in route planning.

How to suggest a Place

  1. Tap on the map to bring up the Dropped Pin menu.
  2. Move the Dropped Pin to the location of the place you want to suggest.
  3. Drag the Dropped Pin menu upward to reveal the "Suggest a place" button.
  4. Tap "Suggest a place".
  5. Fill out all relevant information about the place such as Name, Category, Description, Photos, etc.
  6. Tap "Submit" once all required fields has been filled out along with any other information. Note: If you have any images attached it may take a while before they are uploaded.
  7. Your Place suggestion will be reviewed and later visible on the map once approved.

How to edit or remove existing Places

  1. Tap on the Place marker on the map that you wish to edit.
  2. Drag the Place information page upward until you see the "Suggest a change" button.
  3. Tap "Suggest a change".
  4. Remove, add or edit any information you want.
  5. Tap "Submit" to suggest changes or "Suggest removal" to request it being removed from the map.
  6. Your Place suggestion will be reviewed and later updated once it's been approved.

How to plan a route with Places

  1. Tap on the Place marker on the map that you want to ride to.
  2. Depending on whether you already have a current destination or not you can tap the button "Add destination" or "Add stop" to have the route generated to your chosen Place. You can also drag the Place information page upward to reveal more planning options.
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